Thursday 2 August 2012

 It was all thermals with you
caught in the updraft
of loss and isolation
and desolation of soul.

All thermals
as we fed each other
the quivering elixir
of the other
'till addicted,
we could not get

On the escarpment's edge
energies collided
with a violence
that greened skies
and shredded foliage
so it became too hard
to hold on.

It was all thermals with you!

Sunday 10 June 2012


There is no aspect of driven snow
                                             in me.
                   It is more a coffee coloured mud puddle
                              of emotions, views, theories, testimonies.
Just as I settle and clear
                  someone walks through my
and muddies me with a slant on
                                      an issue
that ripples with credibility
stirring me to the depths of my
                                       muddies mind.

I am not isolated on a mountain top
where purity is driven to rest
by querulous winds.
I am on the street
where people walk through me
and curse when I leave
splotches of muddy intrusion
on trouser legs.

Saturday 2 June 2012

hello out there!

Here is a poem from my book Eve's Tears. It is about dreams and about dreaming of houses. Hope you enjoy!

To dream of a house is to dream of yourself.

She'd dreamt of houses many times.

The first was a chimney
       standing still among charred remains.
And she was travelling away
      from its sad epitaph.

Her houses had a myriad
sheek and complete
dark and menacing
harbouring ghosts
of despair, traumas
impeding completion.

Houses where the door
                  was opened
and she could not halt
the flow
of people

filling the halls and rooms
that travelled on forever
with words and actions
she likes
                 does not like
but she is just there
host to it all.

Houses in the country
semi-detached in the city
gardens neglected
or radiant in bloom.
All these houses
a reflection of herself.

Her last dream left her calm.
She dreamt again of a house.
This house one of love
and she its centre.
Japanese rice paper
home looking for
its place to rest.

She woke happy.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Time to put up a new poem. This one is from my book Eve's Tears. Synopsis - a poem about lonely people searching for love  and hoping that one night stand will amount to something more.


In desert's shrivelled wilderness
there is no room
for supplicating humanity.
From Phoebus' scorching eye
its dwellers adroitly conceal
their vulnerability
becoming brave only when darkness
shrouds their urgency.
The sand's malleable contours
mould gently
as lust's thirst is quenched
- the heat of its rasping need
meeting the frigidity
of its callous design -
yet grains cling stubbornly
to sated skin.
Morning reminder
of dark night's sin.
And traces left
etch away at
solitary fortresses
so in the season
 of rain's fecundity
when sweet drops
of affection fall,
the elusive wildflower

Saturday 5 May 2012

As promised on Facebook this is my new poem. In fact it is a very old poem written many years ago for someone i cared about. Hope you enjoy it and write a comment.
I want my lips to touch on yours to taste your desire.
I want to gently explore your mouth and
with deliberate hesitation between each caress
 build up the anticipation of an invitation offered -
to accept or reject.
I want to suck your nipples and feel their erect stance.
I want to nuzzle the soft areola down the dances around their pink form
and with tracing tongue
follow torso's dividing line to umbilicus' fold.
I want to place you where I speak
to feel your softness surge to firm
as probing tongue and fleshy mouth
savor your urgency.
i want to place you in my warm folds
and then I would dance for you as a bride of old.
I want you to lay me lightly on your bed
and slowly explore my contours
with lips, tongue, fingers and come into me
hard and frantic whispering you mantric prayer
as you release yourself in me.
 I want to nestle close to you
your hand on my breast
and as you fall into exhausted sleep
I want to listen to you breathe through the night
mumbling and stirring as dream's rhythms wash over you.
I want to be with you.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

This is a  monoprint done during my TAFE course. I am just practising using this technolgy. Now I can do PICTURES AND POETRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 21 April 2012

So I am not yet using this resource correctly. I will get better with time and practice. Here another one of my poems. This one is from my already published book Eve's Tears. I hope you like it and comment.

My lover comes to me as a merman
                        oily scales glistening
His locks of kelp emboss my breasts
                         with strange tattoos.

As his wet lips press on mine
                         my senses race .......
and washed with his tidal passion
                        we tumble and turn
                            to ocean depths
                              sending air kisses

We dive and delve -
       new intimacies
        are discovered
              the hidden
                   of love

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Tonight I am posting a poem I composed when AP (Australian Poetry) proposed the theme religion. I use Karl Marx proposition the religion is the opium of the people as the basis for the writing. I then extended the idea to the dependency the opiates induce and the side affects of the addiction. It is a humorous look at many religions. No offence is meant but i am sure offence can be taken. Anyway have a look and see what you think. By the way I am baptised catholic and have a brother a priest, so i take a swipe at my own religion as well as other. Enjoy.

                                                           Opium for the People
Induced by preparatory ritual and ceremony
the opiate elicits a euphoric sense of belonging and righteousness
but side effects alter the mind's view.
Judaism produces paranoid delusions the everyone is out to get you
                    and your money.
Catholicity coagulates to guilt that clots even the most pure action.
Buddhist's detachment requires the carrying of prayer beads
                   to prevent floating off to the next incarnation
and Islam - well continual usage results in the depletion of any fashion sense.
Although the opiate is proposed to bring on lethargy and inner searching
these opiates seem to perpetuate the opposite effect
resulting in the hatred and killing of users of differing opiate derivatives.
Oh well! Perhaps theosophy is a wiser, less addictive path
or just acceptance of a basic animal form and its cycle of
conception, birth and our journey to the final equalizer -

Monday 9 April 2012

well it seems i am talking to myself as usual. later on this week i will put a new poem on my blog but noone is going to read it or comment on it so it seems. back to square one with communicating.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

try this for your taste - all comments weclome

Mutton Thighs
I’m a Norman Lindsay mutton thighed wench totally out of fashion. I desire a man for a Friday frolic but really prefer my own company mid-week. I’ve taken on life’s challenges but feel daunted now by city traffic and international flights. I don’t want to clean up after anyone or cook for them or listen to snores and farts so I don’t mind spending days alone at least I enjoy the company when it finally arrives and sigh relief when it decides not to stay. Sometimes I dress well go out to functions pretend I’m something of importance but really I’m just a Norman Lindsay lady. A mutton thighed Friday night fucker – drink a little booze smoke a little pot – its ok at the end of all the thought and striving to be totally out of fashion

welcome to blogging

Hi this jdaddy hanging with the buddalady. we waiting for life to happen and acknowledge the true depth of talent and insight that we possess. i am going to put up poetry for you to comment on and artwork for you to LOVE!!!!!! and i am going to shit my pants heaps when i read the shit i's putting up of this here screen. this is world love and hate all roll into one hardcoremumma!!