Saturday 12 May 2012

Time to put up a new poem. This one is from my book Eve's Tears. Synopsis - a poem about lonely people searching for love  and hoping that one night stand will amount to something more.


In desert's shrivelled wilderness
there is no room
for supplicating humanity.
From Phoebus' scorching eye
its dwellers adroitly conceal
their vulnerability
becoming brave only when darkness
shrouds their urgency.
The sand's malleable contours
mould gently
as lust's thirst is quenched
- the heat of its rasping need
meeting the frigidity
of its callous design -
yet grains cling stubbornly
to sated skin.
Morning reminder
of dark night's sin.
And traces left
etch away at
solitary fortresses
so in the season
 of rain's fecundity
when sweet drops
of affection fall,
the elusive wildflower

Saturday 5 May 2012

As promised on Facebook this is my new poem. In fact it is a very old poem written many years ago for someone i cared about. Hope you enjoy it and write a comment.
I want my lips to touch on yours to taste your desire.
I want to gently explore your mouth and
with deliberate hesitation between each caress
 build up the anticipation of an invitation offered -
to accept or reject.
I want to suck your nipples and feel their erect stance.
I want to nuzzle the soft areola down the dances around their pink form
and with tracing tongue
follow torso's dividing line to umbilicus' fold.
I want to place you where I speak
to feel your softness surge to firm
as probing tongue and fleshy mouth
savor your urgency.
i want to place you in my warm folds
and then I would dance for you as a bride of old.
I want you to lay me lightly on your bed
and slowly explore my contours
with lips, tongue, fingers and come into me
hard and frantic whispering you mantric prayer
as you release yourself in me.
 I want to nestle close to you
your hand on my breast
and as you fall into exhausted sleep
I want to listen to you breathe through the night
mumbling and stirring as dream's rhythms wash over you.
I want to be with you.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

This is a  monoprint done during my TAFE course. I am just practising using this technolgy. Now I can do PICTURES AND POETRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!