Wednesday 11 April 2012

Tonight I am posting a poem I composed when AP (Australian Poetry) proposed the theme religion. I use Karl Marx proposition the religion is the opium of the people as the basis for the writing. I then extended the idea to the dependency the opiates induce and the side affects of the addiction. It is a humorous look at many religions. No offence is meant but i am sure offence can be taken. Anyway have a look and see what you think. By the way I am baptised catholic and have a brother a priest, so i take a swipe at my own religion as well as other. Enjoy.

                                                           Opium for the People
Induced by preparatory ritual and ceremony
the opiate elicits a euphoric sense of belonging and righteousness
but side effects alter the mind's view.
Judaism produces paranoid delusions the everyone is out to get you
                    and your money.
Catholicity coagulates to guilt that clots even the most pure action.
Buddhist's detachment requires the carrying of prayer beads
                   to prevent floating off to the next incarnation
and Islam - well continual usage results in the depletion of any fashion sense.
Although the opiate is proposed to bring on lethargy and inner searching
these opiates seem to perpetuate the opposite effect
resulting in the hatred and killing of users of differing opiate derivatives.
Oh well! Perhaps theosophy is a wiser, less addictive path
or just acceptance of a basic animal form and its cycle of
conception, birth and our journey to the final equalizer -

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janette,
    I Found you!!!
    Jennie likes the sentiments in the poem
